Sign off on your breaks! Scan the QR code or click on the link below.

As set forth in the Company’s Break Policy, Kinetic Events provides you with a 30 minute meal period break. We want to make sure you receive that break. If you have a shift over 5 hours, you are entitled to one meal break. If you have worked more than 10 hours, you are entitled to two meal breaks. Your first break should come before you start your fifth hour of work.

You understand that if the Company does not provide you with a required meal period or authorize and permit you to take a required rest period, you must report this by checking “break not received” in the section of this form titled, Meal & Rest Break Attestation. You also understand that you cannot combine your rest breaks(s) with your meal period(s) or use your rest breaks and/or meal periods to modify your regular work schedule.